Honey 365g
Raw. Local. Not certified organic. Just amazing! Packed in glass jars.
Jason and Bianca started Five LIttle Hives six years ago with just that - five little hives. Jason had always been interested in bees, but was living in areas where he could not keep them, until they moved to their property in Beaconsfield Upper. They started beekeeping as something they could share together, and now have over 30 hives.
Jason and Bianca are non-migratory beekeepers, and only the excess honey that the bees do not need is removed from the hive. The hives are kept in the same place, year round, which is gentler on the bees. Jason and Bianca are fascinated by their bees, and are constantly learning from and about them. Bees have a huge impact on everything around them, and the hive provides feedback on what is happening in the local environment. Keeping bees fosters their connection to the cycles in nature - what is flowering, what will flower, the weather and so much more. Bees are unpredictable and each year of beekeeping is different.
This means that the honey from Five Little Hives reflects what is happening in our local area. Honey supply is dictated by what is happening in the area where the bees are, and the types and flavours depend on what is flowering. Most of the honey is eucalypt honey, including grey box and manna gum, although with a couple of orange orchards nearby, they do sometimes get orange blossom honey.
The honey is cold extracted so it remains raw. Honey contains over 500 beneficial enzymes, which would be destroyed by heat. Cold extraction is a slow, time-consuming process, but it preserves the amazing health benefits of the honey.
Jason and Bianca’s passion, care and enthusiasm for their bees is reflected in the quality of their amazing honey.
Five Little HivesFarm info
Locally sourced. Sray-free. Uncertified organic.